Photogallery: Accompanying program to Exit the Loop by artist Adela Součková

Adéla Součková in a discussion with Michal Šimůnek, 14. 5. 2019

Adéla Součková, in a discussion with Michal Šimůnek, have introduced several topics related to her artwork, exhibited on the facade of newly emerging Kunsthalle Praha.

How do we ratiocinate the relationship between man and technology, how physicality and everyday experience change along with the use of “new” technologies, how to reflect on new and hybrid forms of experience and the change of the idea of privacy? How do the ways we think change and what consequences does it bear for our relationships both with the world and with ourselves.

Drawing workshop with Adéla Součková, 19. 6. 2019

This workshop’s goal was to examine how do we perceive and live through what is happening around us. This was done by various exercise and creative activities. The workshop was lead by Adéla Součková, the author of Exit the Loop, an artwork displayed on the facade of Kunsthalle Praha. Participants have explored how does their drawing expression change by the means of group dynamics and, in this case, a very changeable weather.

MY, DATA., 19. 6. 2019

A lecture on cybersecurity, IoT security and other security terms that are being heard more and more often. How does the protection of an individual work at the state level?

Moderator: Jan Šípek
Guests: Adéla Součková (vizuální umělkyně, Pavel Růžička (konzultant IT bezpečnosti), Vít Bohal (kulturní teoretik), Jan Hubík (konzultant kryptotechnologií), Radek Holý (mluvčí Národního úřadu pro kybernetickou na informační bezpečnost), Zuzana Pechová (IT witch)

Silent yoga with breakfast in the park, 26. 6. 2019

In the park under the Old Castle Steps, opposite to the future Kunsthalle Praha building, we tried exercising with headphones on. We heard the lecturer’s voice along with music.

In cooperation with SILENT YOGA PRAGUE.

EXIT, ENTER, SHIFT, ALT! Lecturer workshop for elementary schools

Kunsthalle Praha held its first lecturing programme for lower-secondary and grammar schools as a part of Exit the Loop events.

The big billboard format is most often seen as a commercial in the city. We discussed art and advertisement with the students, historic examples of artists working in the advertising business were introduced. After that, the students have transferred newly acquired information into their own artistic creations.

Photo © Světlana Malinová and © Fabiana Mertová


Kunsthalle Praha presents a series of site-specific projects to be temporarily displayed on its facade, the only part of the building accessible to the public during the renovation.

Under the title Facade Project, this programme of commissioned outdoor artwork refers to the history of the building. The Zenger transformer substation’s facade was originally intended to exhibit a light-kinetic sculpture series by the avant-garde sculptor Zdeněk Pešánek. Sadly, this project, entitled One Hundred Years of Electricity, was never executed.

Aside from stimulating the curiosity of the public, Facade Project functions as a laboratory that hints at Kunsthalle Praha’s indoor program to be presented from 2021.