Lost in the Moment That Follows. The Ovidiu Șandor Collection

The catalogue for the exhibition Lost in the Moment That Follows contains written reflections on the Ovidiu Șandor Collection, which is based in the Romanian city of Timișoara, and also provides insight into complex processes of collecting contemporary art through an interviews with the collector. The textual contributions are accompanied by a wide range of visual materials outlining the structure of the collection, which traces Romanian artistic practices, movements, and ideas ranging from the historical avant-garde until today that have greatly contributed to reflections on our common recent history.  

As such, this represents a unique case study from the region of Southeastern Europe, which demonstrates how the operations of a collection can contribute significantly to the improvement of local conditions related to art production. In the case of Ovidiu Șandor, he does this not only by acquiring works by Romanian artists but also through the vision and various activities of his Art Encounters Foundation, an open platform for contemporary art that connects the city of Timișoara and the global art scene.

Editor: Tevž Logar 
Texts: Bernard Blistène, Christelle Havranek, Tevž Logar, Ovidiu Șandor 
Graphic design: Robert Novák 

Number of pages: 136 
Dimensions: 165 × 240 mm 
Binding: Softcover, swiss binding 
Language: Czech, English 
ISBN 978-80-908875-1-0

Publisher: Kunsthalle Praha 
June 2023