young members party: Lajfr + Lilith + more

Who knows what’s hot? We do. Join us for performances by Lajfr, Lilith, and more at the young members party, exclusively for young members of Kunsthalle Praha.

Entry to the event is free, but tickets are available only to members in the Junior category, which is open to those under 26. The good news? Junior membership is also free. You can sign up on the Kunsthalle website, at the box office, or through GoOut. Act quickly—spots are limited!

  •  Date: 20/9 2024 7 PM

  • For our Junior Members only

Lajfr, a dynamic artist from Brno, will take you on a captivating musical journey. His art-pop style is known for its striking visuals and bold musical experimentation. His second album, Divorce Party, showcases his fearless approach to genre-blending. Now, with his latest release, Party Never Ends, you’ll have the chance to experience his new sounds live, including the hit single OLA.

LILITH will also be performing, bringing her unique DJ set influenced by the '90s hardcore scene, Y2K aesthetics, and kawaii culture. Expect an exciting mix of underground tracks and iconic hits

Czech artist Jan Bican will host an upcycling workshop for members. Everyone will have the opportunity to revamp an old piece of clothing with special patches featuring unique designs.

He will also present a live version of his podcast My děti ze stanice 2020 LIVE. For this episode, he has invited poet and tattoo artist Michaela Fenkl, along with talented photographer Jakub Zeman.

The evening will also include a guided tour of the exhibition Lucia Moholy: Exposures. Lucia Moholy, originally from Prague, was a prominent documentarian of the Bauhaus movement.

The capacity for the guided tour is limited, so in addition to a ticket for the young members' party, prior reservation is also required.



7–9 PM Pop-up upcycling workshop with Jan Bican

7–9 PM Exhibition: Lucia Moholy: Exposures

7.15–8 PM Guided tour of the Lucia Moholy: Exposures exhibition

8–8.40 PM My děti ze stanice 2020 LIVE with Michaela Fenkl and Jakub Zeman

9–9.45 PM Concert by Lajfr

10 PM–12 AM DJ set by Lilith