Signal Talks: NFT & digital art (in Czech)
What does the creation of NFTs mean to the creators themselves? How is this phenomenon’s current situation, future development, and, most importantly, its influence on contemporary art understood by a collector or a philosopher? This moderated discussion will introduce the basic principles underpinning NFT art and the ways in which it both parallels and differs from traditional art production. Our moderator and guest speakers (Michal Kučerák, Filip Hodas, Tomáš Hříbek, Jan Netušil) will explore, for instance, the connection between the world of NFTs and cryptocurrencies, theoretical questions linked to notions of the originality and materiality of the artwork, and the logistics of digital art sales.
Date & time: 10/10 2022 19.00 // Kunsthalle Praha Bistro
This event is part of the supporting program of Signal Festival 2022
Free entry, registration required